Support Groups

Current Groups
Central Kentucky Epilepsy Support Network (CKESN) Support Group
This group is co-hosted by the CKESN and the Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana and is held virtually the first Tuesday of every month from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Anyone can participate despite geographical location. If you are interested in participating, please email Rachel at
If you have epilepsy/seizures and are 18 or older, we hope you will consider joining us at the Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana office one Friday every other month as we meet in a support setting to chat, create art, eat lunch, and enjoy fellowship with other people living with epilepsy. If you are interested in joining us please contact Beth Stivers, MS, Executive Director at 502.907.1532 / 502.637.4440 / 866.275.1078 x14 /
Talk with a Mentor
The Foundation works with many individuals who are available to talk with people who are newly diagnosed with epilepsy, or who are undergoing some tough times, or new treatment. You can call or email the Foundation to request a phone call or email from one of the Foundation's mentors. Foundation staff will do their best to connect you with someone whose experience would be most beneficial to you. The Foundation has individuals who volunteer to talk to people about:
Being Newly Diagnosed
Having a Child with Epilepsy
The Ketogenic Diet
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Caring for an Adult with Epilepsy
And Most Other Issues
E-mail Network
Anyone can submit a question to the email network. There are many adults and parents who are signed up on the network who answer other's questions. Once you ask a question of the network, you are invited to join the network. Those on the email network also receive announcements about Foundation program's and services. To become part of the email network or ask a question of its members, email your name to Be sure to include your relationship to epilepsy and indicate that you would like to be on the email network
The National Epilepsy Foundation offers some great discussion forums and live chats where there are many people from across the country looking for and offering support. Click on the link above and register for free. Some of the lively discussion forums include: Living Well With Epilepsy, Parents Helping Parents, Teen Chat, Women & Epilepsy, Epilepsy & Work, Family, Friends, & Loved Ones, and Seniors and Seizure Disorders.